Monday, October 14, 2013

The rules of the game (How I plan to follow this program)

The guys at Freeltics say that the only way to really appreciate the changes that will happen to my body over the course of 15 weeks, is to regularly take pictures of myself. They claim that there will be no visible results the first 5 weeks, but that afterward I will notice changes.

I have decided to put Freeletics up to the test. But instead of just doing the program and posting BEFORE / AFTER pictures, I have opened this blog to comment on my training every week. As I write these lines I have already completed my first week of training. But before diving into the details in my next posts, let me explain

  • I intend to complete the entire program. Only injuries can stop me.
  • I will always try to complete the exercises in their most difficult form, as fast as possible.
  • My boxing training (every Thursday) is my priority. I will try to respect the order of the Freeletics program, but if I need to re-arrange it around boxing, I will.
  • I will not change my diet during the next 15 weeks. I'll be eating as usual.
  • I have never been taking proteins supplements, or any kind of muscle-building powders. I am not going to start now. Therefore any weight loss or muscle gain that I may get during this experiment will only be linked to my training.


    1. I know it's been a while since you posted this, but thank you!

      I am about to dive into Freeletics and your blog does for an interesting read.

      Like you, I am training boxing (though in my case is Thai box) and I plan to dive head on into freeletics, but box always comes first.

      I am not changing my nutrition (I have been improving it over the last 8 months and have lost about 4kg and 12cm around the waist). I already look a bit athletic, but there is still work to be done ;)

      I'll keep reading your blog now.

      1. Hi Birul,

        Although not a practitioner myself, my boxing gym is shared between boxers & Thai boxers. I have a lot of respect for that sport, it's certainly one of the most complete fighting system out there.

        The only thing that you have to watch for is to schedule your Freeletics sessions so that they don't impact your boxing. Especially if you use the coach and thus don't control your training content. Some of the workouts are more straining than others. If you end-up doing a Kentauros x2 the day before your Thai session, chances are that you won't have fresh legs!

        But aside from this, I think that you will find that a workout system such as Freeletics is a great complement to any fighting sport (I'm not using the term "martial arts", as some of the traditional forms such as Aikido would not really benefits from being fitter). Afterall, pushups, abs (and possibly burpees, depending on trainers) are already an integral part of these sports basic training.
        As you go through my posts you'll see that it worked pretty well for me.
