Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pre-program (Free trial): week #2

Week #2 out of 5

In this week's training plan I need to include some Aphrodite sessions and a couple new exercises: Push-up Max and Squat Max.

MAX exercises are the reverse of regular sessions. Instead of striving to do the best possible time for a given number of repetitions, in a "MAX" sessions you try to do as many repetitions as possible within a given time limit. Also each MAX is focused on 1 exercise only. So Push-up Max and Squat Max are tracked as 2 separate sessions.

Monday: "MAX day"

I have just been given a new toy, of course I *had to* try it first! 

The only problem with these MAX sessions, is that I'm not sure when to place them in my calendar. On one hand if you want to do as many push-ups as possible you'd better start with fresh arms. On the other hand, these are very short exercises (100 seconds for pure strength exercises or 300 seconds for others). Doing only a few minutes of training, well, doesn't feel like training... I could follow-up with an Aphroditesession, but I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy going through 150 burpees just minutes after doing push-ups like a maniac.

I chose to start with the 2 required MAX:
  • PUSH-UPS MAX (100s = 1'40) ): 42* repetitions
As many push-ups as possible in 1'40. The only thing worth mentioning is that in the Freeletics' version of the push-up, once your chest touches the ground you have to lift both palms of your hands above the ground. Adding this small movement creates a bit more tension in the shoulders and prevents that you push yourself back-up before your chest is *really* resting on the ground.
Note that you lose about a second each time you lift your palms up. There is no point in comparing your own results to mine if your not doing exactly the same exercise. The "regular" push-ups (without palms up) just take less time to complete.

  • SQUAT MAX (300s = 5'00) ): 163 repetitions
Honestly I was surprised to do as many of them. I don't think that I cut corners, I really tried to sit as low as possible. I don't know if Freeletics will transform my body, but I can tell you that my thighs will be in great shape when ski season starts!

Well, as expected 6 minutes and 40 seconds of training felt too short. So I went freestyle with the program and just started to try-out all the MAX exercises that I could do, one after the other. Here are the results:
  • SITUPS MAX (300s = 5'00) ): 101 repetitions (Fine. Situps are training as usual)
  • PULL-UPS MAX (100s = 1'40) ): 14 repetitions (Lame, but expected. Time was no issue, I just couldn't find the strength to lift myself once more...)
  • LEG LEVERS MAX (300s = 5'00) ): 94 repetitions (Fine. Standard boxing training)
  • BURPEES MAX (300s = 5'00) ): 57 repetitions (Thank you, Aphrodite!)

Tuesday: APHRODITE 29:03 * (Personal Best)

Good old Aphrodite. Finally broke that PB that I had been chasing last week!

Thursday: Boxing training

More tired than usual. Didn't get the energy surge as I did last week.

Friday: APHRODITE 28:57 * (Personal Best)

Got a second PB in the same week. I got a bit carried away and decided to follow-up with the 2 required MAX sessions. Not expecting great results with tired muscles, but that way I could rest 2 full days on Saturday and Sunday.
  • PUSH-UPS MAX (100s = 1'40) ): 30* repetitions (Aphrodite killed my arms. Results clearly below previous attempt)
  • SQUAT MAX (300s = 5'00) ): 137 repetitions (Surprisingly OK. Looks like Squats are not as tough on muscles as they feels)

All in all, a good week. I had some fun trying out all the MAX, and the new PB prove that I'm improving. Looking forward to next week!

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