Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Post-program (self-scheduled training): week #27-33

Here is an update on my training schedule.

Week 27:
  • Tuesday: Hades (17:21*)
  • Wednesday: Atlas (22:39* -PB)
  • Thursday: boxing training
  • Friday: Ares (07:57*) + Poseidon (04:25* -PB) + Metis (05:02* -PB) + Squat Max (196* -PB) + Pushup MAX (46*) + Situp MAX (124*)
  • Saturday: Custom-made workout (14:02). I tested for a reader the following routine: 3 rounds of: 10 Burpees + 30 Squats + 45sec Plank + 2x5 (L+R) Spiderman Push Ups + 30 Mountain Climbers + 60sec Superman (note: I did Sipderman & Climbers assuming both sides = 1 rep)

Week 28:

  • Tuesday: Kronos (38:50* -PB First attempt)
  • Wednesday: Iris (30:30* -PB)
  • Thursday: boxing training
  • Friday: Hades (16:54*)
  • Sunday: Ares (07:46*) + Lunge MAX (178* -PB) + Ares (07:53*) + Lunge MAX (191* -PB) + Pushup MAX (49*)

Week 29:
  • Monday: Artemis (23:11* -PB)
  • Tuesday: Dione (26:24*)
  • Wednesday: Metis (04:36* -PB) + Hyperion (17:58 -PB)
  • Thursday: boxing training
  • Friday: boxing training + Poseidon (04:37*) + Leg Lever MAX (165*)

Week 30:
  • Thursday: Aphrodite (18:59* -PB) + Pullup MAX (32*) + Pushup MAX (37*)
  • Friday: Venus (21:52*)

Week 31:
  • Monday: Hades (16:37*) + Poseidon (05:11*)
  • Tuesday: Apollon (22:23*) + Pushup MAX (35*) + Pushup MAX (20* -holding 3s in locked arms positions) + Pushup MAX (12* -right arm only) + Pushup MAX (14* -left arm only)
  • Wednesday: Zeus (21:25 -PB)
  • Thursday: boxing training
  • Saturday: Dione (23:17*)
  • Sunday: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) Test to see how my body reacted to 100 PU broken into in 4 sets of 25 consecutive repetitions.

Week 32 (launch of the Pushup challenge):
  • Monday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Ares (07:56*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Ares (07:52*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
  • Tuesday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Aphrodite (19:07*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
  • Wednesday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Lunch: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Hera (21:40*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
  • Thursday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: boxing training (included at least 100 PU)
  • Friday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
  • Saturday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Artemis (21:46* -PB -includes 100 PU)
  • Sunday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)

Week 33 (last week of the Pushup challenge):

  • Monday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Venus (20:29* -includes 200 PU)
  • Tuesday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Evening: Kronos (38:06* -PB includes 100 PU)
  • Wednesday:
    • Morning: Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
    • Lunch: Iris (29:03* -PB) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*) + Pushup MAX (25*)
  • Friday: running (3.32km in 16:58) + Pushup MAX (60*)

I have previously discussed the Pushup challenge, so I won't cover it further in this post. However another highlight of these past weeks is that I tried a new workout: Kronos.
If you have never met this workout before, you will learn very quickly to respect it! It only has 1 round, but what a Hell of a round:
  • 100 Pushups
  • 200 Situps
  • 300 Squats
  • 200 Leg Levers
  • 100 Pullups

If you are new to Freeletics, unless you already have an excellent physical conditions pretty much each of these sets will be a challenge. You will need to break each of them into smaller bits (e.g. 10 sets of 10 pushups with short breaks in-between). So expect a very long completion time (over an hour).
In my case, "My Coach" never assigned this workout to me. For my first attempt, I was fortunate to already have 8 months of training (week#28) behind me. From the start, I knew that I would not be able to perform 100 consecutive pushups. Based on my past experience with Artemis, I did short sets (~20) to avoid killing my arms from the start but paying attention not to take too long breaks (~10-20 seconds). The effort was more manageable while avoiding losing too much time. The next 3 exercises were fine. Leg Levers have always been one of my strengths. 200 reps is nearly what I do in 5mn for the MAX, however it took me a bit more time. The effort is more difficult for abs after the 200 situps.
The real difficulty were the 100 pullups. The high number of repetitions makes this set very hard to complete, especially since the previous pushups have already taken a toll on shoulders. I spent nearly 10mn just on this exercise. On my second attempt (week #33), my PB had already improved by ~45s mostly due to better execution on pushups (thanks to the pushups challenge), but I had little gains on pullups side. Improving pure strength to reduce pushups & pullups completion time will be the key to drop further my personal best.

While it requires some time for me to sit down and write these long posts with all my results, it proves to be very useful. Often, I just do one workout after another, without giving too much thoughts about it. Writing these posts forces me to analyze my schedule and see if I stick to my good resolutions.
So let's see how I performed versus what I had planned last time:
  • Training frequency: Over 7 weeks I performed 30 sessions for a total training time of ~661 minutes. That's 4 sessions per week on average, each lasting approximately 22 minutes. The increased training load of the Pushup challenge has offset the lack of training during my short vacations in week #30. Conclusion: average number of session/week increased as intended.
  • Training content: while my first month without "My Coach" was a bit disorganized, I am getting closer to finding the right training balance. It's now part of my weekly routine to perform 1 outdoor training over my lunch break. This kills several birds with one stone: I regularly practice running, it frees-up one of my evenings, and by doing it on Wednesday I'm in much better shape from my Thursday boxing training (my body gets 36 hours of rest + running workouts don't strain much arms or shoulders). Additionally, I'm more careful to include some Cardio in my schedule as I had leaned a bit too much on the Strength side. 
  • Getting out of my comfort zone: One of my fear was that I would follow the path of least resistance and end-up only doing the workouts that I liked. So far I have managed to be disciplined enough to include my routines workouts that I had not performed in months or the ones that I never tried. It's not perfect yet (for the moment I have managed to dodge doing Kentauros!), but workout diversity is definitely a criterion that I take into account when doing my schedule. Since training on my own, I have not organized any Hell Week, but I enjoyed the Pushup Challenge and I might use similar highly-focused training from time to time to push my limits.

As usual, another post will follow shortly to give an update on my body stats.


  1. Hi,
    I truly appreciate your experimentation and the posts in this blog. But, Just want to know - What is your ultimate goal after all this?

    Madhu Ramachandran

    1. Hi Madhu,

      That's almost a philosophical question that you are asking me! :-)

      Pretty much all my basic goals have been attained:
      1. finding a flexible physical activity to complement my boxing routine: checked.

      2. improved physical performance: checked.

      3. getting back in shape (i.e. shedding off superfluous weight accumulated over the years): checked.

      Now I'm chasing secondary objectives.

      1. Short-term: I'm fine-tuning my training routine to find that sweet spot of work-life-training balance.

      2. Medium-term: I'm curious to see how much visible results I can get. Biggest gains took place in the first 3 months, I'd like to see how things play out on the longer term. Does body adapt and some weight comes back? Do small improvements keep aggregating and a year down the road I'll end-up with a Schwarzenegger-stlye 6-pack?

      3. Long-term: continuous improvement. I love the feeling that I can do things better and faster than a few months ago. But I know that I can still improve, hence I still need to train. Remember for me this is a complementary activity. The better my physical condition gets, the more I can focus on my technical skills. In boxing once you are tired the fight is over. You can't attack anymore, and can barely defend yourself (being too tired to have the strength to raise your hands to protect your face from incoming punches is not fun!)
      Getting to top physical condition will still be a long journey, so that should keep me busy for a while! :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing the training schedule. Can you please tell how much you charge for boxing.
